Mélanie Werder Avilés


A graduate in journalism and audiovisual communication from the URJC, she has a Master’s degree in Theatre and the Performing Arts from the UCM. She is a PhD Student in Theatre Studies at the Complutense University, where she is the Principal Investigator of the project Escena Urgente: Teatro Documental para mejorar la vida universitaria.

She has received the best playwriting award from the Fundación de Teatro Universitario for Las Uñas Kodak, as well as winning the award for best socially-oriented initiative from the Complutense Chair of Social Entrepreneurship for the project TeatroXTeléfono (2021). She has also received a grant from the Teatre Lliure (Carlota Soldevila Playwriting 2020) and the Sala Cuarta Pared (ETC En Blanco 2020) and has formed part of the IX SGAE Dramatic Writing Lab (2021).

Runner-up for the Dramatic Residences at the Centro Dramático Nacional (21-22). She currently forms part of the Benjamin Club (directed by Sanchis Sinisterra) with the project Resistencias Infantiles.