Mireia Sort

Catalan actress, director and playwright, trained at the Col·legi de Teatre de Barcelona and at L’Ecole International Jacques Lecoq in Paris. She completed her training between Barcelona and Buenos Aires with Marilia Samper, Anna M. Ricart, Clara Segura, Jorge Picó and Marcelo Savignone, among others. In theatre she has worked with directors such as Mireia Gubianas, Sergi Portabella, Jordi Mesalles and Xicu Masó. She has directed several productions at the Teatre de Vilassar de Mar, such as Cinc dones que porten el mateix vestit, Un Déu salvatge, La edad de la ira and various poetry recitals in which she has participated as rhapsodist. She is a founding member of the Les Golfes Teatre company, with which she has premiered collective creation shows for young people. In the audiovisual field, she has participated as an actress in various advertising spots. She teaches acting to young people and teenagers at different schools in Cabrera and Vilassar de Mar.