Núria Vizcarro

Playwright, actress and director. She holds a degree in Playwriting and Directing from the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona and in Acting from ESAD València. Moreover, she has taken specialisation courses with Sanchis Sinisterra, Itziar Pascual, Gracia Morales, El Pont Flotant, Roland Schimmelpfennig, Alberto Conejero and Enzo Cormann.
She received the Benet i Jornet writing grant in 2023; the 18th Ciutat de Castelló Theatre Award with the play Teresa; the award for Best Show at the 22nd Barcelona Theatre Fair with Assassines by the Flor Innata Company and was runner-up for the Max Awards 2019 in best newcomer author and show for Instruccions per a no tenir por si ve la Pastora by La Ravalera.
Among her plays, highlights include: Marina Ginestà. Fotos de memòria (2024) within the TNC’s “365 women a year” season; Oficina de Vida Independent (2023), selected at the 11th SGAE Playwriting Laboratory; Antimülleriana i altres cròniques del fracàs (2022); Família Normal (2020); Somni (2019) and Instruccions per a no tenir por si ve la Pastora (2018).
She is a founding member of the La Ravalera company. She conducts playwriting workshops and has been on the jury for various playwriting awards.
Also from this author, at the Sala Beckett it has been possible to see Més enllà de la foscor (2012), co-written with Cristina Cordero, Denise Duncan and Salvador Sánchez.