Pierre Koestel


Pierre Koestel, playwright and dramaturg, holds a master’s degree in Literary Creation from the Université Paris 8 and the Department of Dramatic Writing at ENSATT.

Notable among his plays are Loud (Encouragements Artcena, 2019); Les Ecoeurchées and La Nuit qui vient, which he directed with Anima Compagnie (Mayenne); Basalte, directed by Tamara Fischer, Fragments d’un processus de démolition and La Bette, directed by Jérémy Ridel (FullFrontalTheatre, Paris).

His play Après nous, les ruines was published by Editions Tapuscrits – Théâtre Ouvert. It has a dramatic reading by Mathieu Roy, and later Lena Paugam, and won Grand Prix de littérature dramatique 2023.