Pierre Notte

He is an author, composer, director and actor. Among his most recent works highlights include La chair des tristes culs (creation at the Théâtre du Rond-Point 2012-2013), Sortir de sa mère, Demain dès l’aube, Et l’enfant sur le loup se précipite, Pour l’amour de gérard philipe, Bidules trucs, Deux petites dames vers le Nord, Les Couteaux dans le dos, J’existe foutez-moi la paix, Journalistes – petits barbares mondains, Moi aussi je suis Catherine Deneuve and Clémence à mon bras. His works have been translated and presented in France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Austria, England, Japan, the United States, the Lebanon and Russia. In Tokyo he has presented several revivals of his song recitals. He is a Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters. He has been nominated on three successive occasions in the author category for the Molière prizes and has been awarded the Nouveau Talent prize from the Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers in France, the Émile Augier prize from the Académie Française and the Publikumspreis from the Blickwechsel in Karlsruhe, Germany. Recently a week-long festival dedicated to his theatre was held in Bologna, Italy. In 2006 he was appointed general secretary of the Comédie-Française. In September 2009 he left this role to become an associate author at the Théâtre du Rond-Point in Paris. In October 2011 he founded his own theatre company, Les gens qui tombent.