Sergi Belbel

(Terrassa, Barcelona, 1963)
Playwright, director and theatre translator. He holds a degree in French Language and Literature from the UAB. Founding member of the Aula de Teatre at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Professor of Playwriting at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona since 1988. Director of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya from 2006 to 2013.
He has written around twenty plays, among which the following stand out: Elsa Schneider, Tàlem, Carícies, Després de la pluja, Morir, La sang, El temps de Planck, Forasters, Mòbil and A la Toscana and Fora de joc. Some of them have been staged in several European and American countries: Portugal, France, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, Canada, the United States (New York), Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile.
He has translated, among others, plays by Molière, Goldoni, Koltès, Marivaux, De Filippo, Perec, Jon Fosse and Beckett.
He has directed plays by classical and contemporary authors such as Shakespeare, Calderón, Molière, Goldoni, Koltès, Mamet, De Filippo, Marivaux, Némirovsky, Guimerà, Vilanova, Benet i Jornet, David Plana and Jordi Galceran.
He has been awarded, among others, the following prizes: 1993-95 Premi Nacional de Literatura Dramàtica, Generalitat de Catalunya; Premio Nacional de Literatura Dramática, Ministerio de Cultura; 1999 Molière award for Best Comedy (Després de la pluja); 2000 Premi Nacional de Teatre, Generalitat de Catalunya; 2002 Max Performing Arts Award for International Promotion; and 2003 Premi Ciutat de Barcelona de les Arts Escèniques for the Dramatisation and Direction of Dissabte, diumenge i dilluns (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) by De Filippo (TNC, 2002).