Thomas Köck

Playwright and stage director.
He studied Philosophy in Vienna and at the Freie Universität in Berlin, as well as Scenic Writing and Film Studies at the University of the Arts, Berlin. He has been an assistant director for Claudia Bosse and an editor for diaphanes Verlag. His documentary film on the civil war in Lebanon was invited to the Berlin Film Festival’s TALENTS programme and nominated for the Bosch Foundation Young Filmmaker’s Prize. He has conceived series of readings and events in Vienna, Berlin and Mannheim. His plays are published by Suhrkamp Verlag and have been performed at theatres including the Akademietheater Vienna, Thalia Theater Hamburg, the Ruhrfestspielen Recklinghausen, the Schauspielhaus Vienna and the Karlsruhe State Theatre. He gained his first independent director’s credit in 2017. He has been writer in residence at the National Theatre Mannheim and the winner of awards including the Else Lasker-Schüler Prize, the Austrian Theatre Alliance Playwriting Prize, the Thomas Bernhard Scholarship and, most recently, the Kleist Prize for an emerging playwright. Together with other authors, he was joint founder of the blog dealing with the shift to the right across Europe.