Víctor Borràs

Víctor Borràs is a graduate in Dramatic Art (1999) with a postgraduate qualification in Theatre Pedagogy (2010) from the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona.
His entire professional career has developed within the Teatre Nu project, first as an actor and, since 2006, as a director, playwright and dramaturg of the company’s productions. Highlights include Kàtia (2018) – awarded the Xarxa Alcover Prize 2018–, Teatre Arrossegat de Catalunya (2017), Maure el Dinosaure (2016), Mrs.Brownie (2015) –Pom d’Or d’Argentona Audience Prize – Raspall by Pere Calders (2012) –Nominated for the Butaca Awards as best family show – Avi Ramon (2009), Somnis d’Alícia (2007) and La Lluna d’en Joan – an adaptation of the short story by Carme Solé Vendrell (2006).
Since 2015 he has been promoting the La Casa del Teatre Nu project, a venue for creation, exhibition and training the brings the work of the Teatre Nu company into contact with the public and other performing arts professionals. Within the Teatre Nu project and since 2010 he has also produced numerous theatre shows with pupils with special educational needs and other groups at risk of social exclusion. At the Sala Beckett he has taken part in different playwriting workshops and, during its 2018-19 season, he presented La lleugeresa i altres cançons, written together with Ivan Benet. In 2020 he also presented the reading of No ens tornarem a veure here.
This year at Grec 2021 he is premiering his latest text: La dona del tercer segona.